The Night A Thief Invaded My Kitchen

smart mouse, behind our lives, motherhood

A few nights ago my eyes were bigger than my stomach, and so that last piece of chocolate bark I’d had with my tea ended up staying on the plate. Our house is pretty chilly and, in the almost two years we’ve lived here, I’ve never even seen a bug

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Behind Our Lives – It’s almost here! :D

Just two more days hours until Behind Our Lives is released into the world. Which means only  TWO MORE DAYS HOURS to pre-order your copy and get some awesome bonuses. (More on that below). The proof copy of the print book arrived yesterday morning, just five minutes before I went to speak to

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Winter isn’t coming – it’s here! And it brings reflection and a bunch of sweet bonuses!

Do you ever find that life’s lessons come in the oddest of moments and methods? Yesterday, after less than three hours of sleep (following a crazy intense last month of work), I was on a three hour journey that turned into over a six hour one. I thought, booking my trip

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The Pain Of A Broken Heart

behind our lives charlene carr

Have you ever had your heart broken? Most of us have. Most of us know what it feels like to ache in a spot so deep it takes our breath away, to be baffled by the fact that we didn’t know this type of pain was possible. To literally feel like

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A Love Worth Rooting For

a love worth rooting for behind our lives

A Love Worth Rooting For … I’ve always enjoyed a good love story. I read Pride and Prejudice when I was eleven or twelve and for the next decade it was my favourite book. When I watched The Notebook, Noah quickly became my ideal man … not just for the intensity of love

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