Book and Media Resources

Book and Media Resources

So you mean Communication is more than just words?

charlenecarr communication

Not many people would argue against clear communication being an essential part of any business. We go to workshops, take seminars, and pride ourselves on our ability to communicate clearly. Still, we sometimes forget that communication is a lot more than our ability to say the right words, use the right body language, or

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What’s the big fixation? New Year’s Resolutions or Old Year’s lessons

New Year's Resolutions?

If you could go back over your year and get one do-over, just one, would you? If you would, what would it be? This is the time of year when people determine to look toward the future, to think about the goals and resolutions they want to make for a

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Oh, the cycles of life!

Where There Is Life - cycles

Have you ever noticed how full of cycles life is? It seems time and time again we learn the same lessons, we make the same mistakes, or different mistakes in similar ways, and then, again and again, we have the opportunity to grow, to become this better, stronger person. If

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Once Upon A Time … We Believed In Happy Endings

I’ve been watching the series Once Upon A Time—obsessively, actually. For those who don’t know, it’s all about fairy tales—the heroes, the villains, and everyone in between, often modernizing and complicating the simplicity that Disney gave to many of these stories and blurring the lines between good and evil. In

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Inviting Calm

I found myself sitting in my office this week, papers strewn across the floor, tears running down my face. I felt like a failure. You ever been there? Deep down I knew, I mean I REALLY knew I was not a failure. It didn't even make sense to think I was one.Keep Reading ...

Fiction Friday – One Good Thing

One Good Thing

Welcome to another edition of Fiction Friday!  Craig Penser held the weight of his screw ups on his shoulders the way a firefighter carries a limp woman down a flight of smoke-filled stairs—with focus, determination, and the underlying desire to let go of his burden. He didn’t droop though. Never

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The Journey Never Ends

Mark Twain Twenty Years From Now

  Over a decade ago now I was packing up my bags and preparing for what I imagined would be the adventure of a lifetime. There were two things that gave me the drive, the excitement, and the courage to travel to the other side of the world. One was

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Skinny Me Cover Reveal

skinny me

Skinny Me – Print Edition Cover Reveal!

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A novel moment.

As I write this, I’ve just finished editing my first novel for self-publication. And when I say finished I mean really finished – after the months and months of writing, revising, rewriting, getting feedback from others, and editing, editing, editing – I’m done! Of course, there are always things I

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Skinny Me – COMING SOON!

Skinny Me

Skinny Me – COMING SOON! Sometimes our biggest critic, the person laying down the most judgement, is actually ourselves. Jennifer Carpenter dreams of being a different person – A person with confidence, a person with beauty, a person who weighs a heck of a lot less. At twenty seven, her

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What would you do to fulfill the greatest desire of your heart?

Thought-provoking, heartbreaking, and full of the beauty of second chances.

Dive into the enduring story of a woman who fights for her dreams, even when everyone she loves is against her.
