Can paradise ever be paradise when you have a toddler?

paradise, beach, toddler

Can paradise ever be paradise when you have a toddler? We’re in Grand Cayman, the weather is amazing, just hot enough with a cooling breeze. Flowers are in bloom, roosters crow with delight. We’re away from the crowds as we visit a lovely lady who was my mom’s roommate back

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Being a mom. The exhaustion, the transformation, the joy

lying in a field, being a mom

As I sit to write, my daughter is 1 year 1 month and 8 days old. She’ll likely be much older by the time this post makes it to the world’s eyes because … being a mom. I’m a writer, and so all along, even when she was nothing but

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The complexity of mother’s day and a mother’s love.

mothers day - give a book, give the whole world

In just a few days families everywhere will be celebrating one of the most important people in their lives. Mother’s Day is a complex holiday. For some it’s joyous, for others painful, and for many it’s both. So it’s always difficult to know what to write. For years, Mother’s Day

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