Writing Life Blog

Book Review: The Lonely Hearts Hotel by Heather O’Neill

the lonely hearts hotel
Book Chat: The Lonely Hearts Hotel by Heather O'Neill   Check out The Lonely Hearts Hotel Author's Twitter: twitter.com/lethal_heroine A sad and beautiful love story set in the immersive, somewhat magical, and devastating world of Montreal in the early 1900s . This book was rich with pain, artistry and charactersKeep Reading ...

Book Chat: The Things You Cannot See by Sam Vickery

the things you cannot see by sam vickery
Book Chat: The Things You Cannot See by Sam Vickery   Check out The Things You Cannot See A compelling and terrifying read, full of compassion and the reality of a condition we'd rather believe didn't exist. At times difficult to continue, due to the emotional intensity, The Things You CannotKeep Reading ...

Book Review: The Secrets We Keep by Kate Hewitt

kate hewitt the secrets we keep book review

Book Chat: The Secrets We Keep by Kate Hewitt   Check out The Secrets We Keep An intriguing novel of family and motherhood that questions the secrets we keep and the selves we present to the world. This exploration of pain, grief, and the possible and sometimes tragic consequences of

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Do what you gotta do … parenting win

spoon feeding toddler goat cheese for a parenting win

Little Miss wanted nothing to do with the amazing Sesame Ginger Lentil Salad I made for dinner tonight (seriously, it was good, like $9/100gram at a high-end deli, good). Nor did she want any of the four other things I offered her. She wanted yogurt. Just yogurt. But of course the

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Book Review: Two by Two by Nicholas Sparks

book review of Two by Two by Nicholas Sparks
Book Chat: Two by Two by Nicholas Sparks   Check out Two by Two Two by Two by Nicholas Sparks is an enjoyable read about a man learning to be a full-time father while rebuilding his life. It has beautiful moments of family interaction and explores the delicate dynamics ofKeep Reading ...

Book Review: A Fire Sparkling by Julianne Maclean

book review of a fire sparkling by julianne maclean
Book Chat: A Fire Sparkling by Julianne Maclean   Check out A Fire Sparkling An intricate tale of love, betrayal and long held secrets. Julianne Maclean draws the reader into dual timelines and multiple voices with impressive ease. If you're looking to immerse yourself into the world as it wasKeep Reading ...

From sleep training to head banging

big bruise from head banging during sleep training

Despite oh so much sleep training, last week the string of horrible nights since Christmas travels (yeah, this post was written awhile ago) finally felt like it had come to an end. After consistently waking three to four times in frenzied desperation a night, Little Miss’ screaming fits had eased.

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Book Chat: City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert

Book Chat: City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert   Check out City of Girls An absolute pleasure. The first half of the book is a fun and delightful romp. It brought me joy. Filled with a cast of characters brimming with life, simplistic, yet poignant, and narrated by an old broadKeep Reading ...

Mind Blown – the wonder of motherhood

18 month old girl smiling

Moms,  Do you ever look at your child and get floored by the fact that this person was literally made inside of you? That this individual with their own wants and fears and joys and loves and opinions was once a part of your very being? And this next question

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Life is short. Kick back and enjoy the giggles.

little girl on a slide, enjoying life

Life is short, so yesterday I put work aside, kicked back, and watched The Ballad of Buster Scruggs. It’s a Coen brothers movie of western-themed vignettes, and every single one features a death. It’s great. No, really, it is. I loved it. But during one of the many displays of

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